Can I really reverse the effects of the abortion pill?
Yes, but you must act quickly. The abortion pill reversal process consists of increased progesterone intended to counteract the effects of the abortion pill. Reversal is most effective (64-68%) if you begin within 24 hours of taking the first abortion pill (mifepristone or RU-486). However, many successful reversals have been performed when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill. [1]

How does reversal work?
Within 24 to 72 hours of taking mifepristone, you should reach out to Abortion Pill Reversal. They will get you connected to a doctor or medical provider in your area to start the reversal treatment.
First things first:
A technician will perform an ultrasound to check for various things like your babies’ heart rate, placement and how far along your pregnancy is.
Afterward, the doctor or medical provider will prescribe you bioidentical progesterone. Progesterone can be taken as a pill either orally or vaginally. You will likely take it for the remainder of your first trimester. Progesterone is the natural hormone in every woman’s body that is necessary to nurture and sustain a pregnancy.
According to research by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, bioidentical progesterone has been used to support healthy pregnancies since the 1950s. It received FDA approval in 1998. Today, progesterone treatment is commonly used to reduce the risk of premature birth and recurring miscarriage. In addition, progesterone supplementation is an expected part of the management of IVF pregnancies after embryo transfer and has an extensive safety record.
What are the side effects of this process?
Since progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone, side effects are minimal and similar to those commonly experienced during pregnancy.
- Sleepiness
- Lack of energy
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Gastrointestinal discomfort
- Headaches

If I complete the reversal process, will my baby have birth defects?
Progesterone has not been linked to birth defects in children born after a successful reversal. Dr. Bill Lile, OB-GYN confirms this in an interview with Focus of the Family: mifepristone attacks the pregnancy, NOT the baby. Introducing progesterone simply combats the effects of the mifepristone by replacing that hormone so your body recognizes your pregnancy and works to sustain it.

Where can I find abortion pill reversal?
To get connected to a doctor or medical provider geographically close to you, call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline at 1-877-558-0333 or chat online.